IT Telecom & Professional Sercive

As IT companies have become more aware of the necessity of physical security, it is now a requirement for all of them to have a physical security management structure responsible for securing their facilities, data centers, assets and to keep accurate records of who accessed what and when.

The physical security system(s) is one of the key components in managing employees, visitors and the company's real estate. Most IT companies use enterprise level physical security systems where uptime, redundancy and high availability is very critical to everyday operations. In addition to the physical security part, there is a high level of integration between the HR database and the physical security system database using LDAP, automated import, XML, and ODBC.
Video surveillance and Intrusion are usually integrated with the access control system to provide the full solution.

There are some challenges with IT companies as they get very involved with the physical security requirements and specifications. The system architecture, the database and the operating systems are key components for choosing a system. Logical Security is also very critical in this segment of the market.

All of these issues and more can be addressed using integrated solutions from Save & Secure.

Integrated Access Control and Video Surveillance: Access Control and Video products provide complete integrated solutions for synchronizing Alarm Monitoring and Video surveillance. Their ability to integrate with outside databases using LDAP, ODBC, automated import and XML for ease of pushing or pulling data from various sources into the access control system, thereby eliminating typing errors and having a full audit trail for all database changes.

Another advantage offered by our Access control and Video systems is our special custom integrations for end users.
In addition to the above mentioned features, our access control systems provide a very rich feature set such as antipassback, logical/physical convergence, high level of clearances and privileges to control who has access to what and when. Our unique "Double Swipe" technology allows faculty and staff members to unlock and disarm conference rooms and special areas on command without keypads or alarm panels.

Most IT companies are starting to use government standards as their own such as smart card technologies, PIV, FIPS... etc.
Using Hi-End Access Control System to track their Real Estate holdings

Using a reliable access control systems, some companies have found that the journal data, log files, and reporting can give them more information on their real estate holdings and occupancy. Few companies have used such data to divest or move their employees to where it made financial sense. Some of these transactions were enough to offset the cost of the access control and video system.