Fire Alarm System

Fire and smoke alarms are key elements of any business security system. They can literally save your life and that of you or co-workers. The safety these alarms offer is so important that selection of the right equipment for your needs is vital. There are many good choices, and several different categories of detectors.

Optical fire alarms are one option. These systems employ a light, sensor and a chip within the device. Optical fire alarms are also known as photoelectric fire alarms. They use a light and light receptor to protect your property. Simply put, if there’s smoke and that smoke gets in the way of light passing between the electric light bulb and the receptor, a chip in the optical fire alarm triggers the alarm to sound.

Physical fire alarms utilize the type of sensor that detects smoke in the air. Those fire alarms do not have a light sensor that determines the presence of smoke. Instead, they have a particle sensor. Air rather than light is the analysis technique. When smoke particles are detected in the make-up of the air around the alarm, the alarm is triggered to sound.

Naturally, no matter what alarm type you select, you’ll want an alarm that will successfully warn you if there is a fire. The size of your business is one factor you should consider – smaller spaces can make good use of a single, separate fire alarm system with a stand-alone circuit; larger residences or businesses should select fire alarms with a loop circuit, to make sure all areas are properly monitored.

In many cases you’ll also want to choose an alarm system based on its installation. Some you can install yourself; other will need to be installed by a technician well versed in National Fire Protection Association regulations.