Access Control System

Access control is a key component in protecting your facility, maintaining business continuity, and ensuring customer safety.

It can be used to let workers into a door at a certain time, monitor who had access to a particular area, and keep out unauthorized guests. Implementing an access control system can help you in several ways:

Safeguard company assets: In selecting proper security levels, you can limit clearance for critical areas to only people with a need for access. This helps to protect equipment, intellectual property, cash, data centers, and personnel.

Manage security from a central location: Multiple facility systems can be linked to a central server that allows many access points to be monitored and investigated from one location. Centralized management of access control also allows for tracking motion through various areas and looking for unusual patterns that could indicate a problem.

Cut cost of ownership: By deterring breaches of secure areas and preventing theft and other incidents, systems will pay for themselves quickly. Access control systems reduce dependency on keys and locks that constantly need to be changed or replaced when an employee leaves. Easy re-carding and inexpensive programmable replacements can dramatically lower the cost of keeping your facility secure.

Through our exceptional engineering, product benchmarking, and market research disciplines, we can help you determine what type of security system is best for your unique needs and environment. Your system can integrate with your access control solution, your video solution, the human resources database, with IT (including single sign-on capabilities), or with any other compatible system.

You can rely on Inovacc, your trusted security advisor, to be an independent resource that will listen to your needs and help you align your security goals with your corporate mission and vision.