Digital Audio Recording System

There are many reasons you may be needing an audio and call recording service. Internal policies may have changed within the company, government regulations may be in effect, or you may be looking to increase the bottom line. The digital audio recording system we offer are designed to help you quickly and easily start to record your phone calls as you can bring Voice and Video into one easy to share platform.

Designed for Small and Medium Business and Branch Environments are not so different from large corporations. Although their user’s population and needs may be miniscule in comparison, their business requirements are similar. Like large Business, they need robust audio recording systems to ensure regulatory compliance, monitoring and quality management. Does this smaller size mean they should settle for less functionality? we don’t think so. Our Digital Audio Recording Systems delivers low-cost audio and call recording, providing the power of high-end digital audio recording systems, just on a smaller scale.

The digital audio recording system we provide is easy-to-install, low-cost audio and call recording software designed to address the unique requirements of any business and financial companies. Based on the most advanced interaction recording technology, Inovacc digital audio recording systems low-cost call recording enables you to:

  • Record any security events on the field and customer calls in individual offices or throughout branch offices.
  • Play them back for quality management or dispute resolution.
  • Archive them locally or remotely in the event of future investigation or litigation.

  • Since implementing IT functionality within a limited budget can be a major concern for smaller operations, our digital audio recording system delivers an all-in-one, low cost audio and call recording system on a single standard server. It offers low total cost of ownership as it can be deployed quickly and easily, maintained either locally or at a remote data center, and supports existing voice over IP (VoIP), Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and hybrid networks in a single box.

    Our low-cost audio and call recording offers to business and branch offices many value-added enterprise-grade capabilities including:

  • Intuitive configuration and administration application
  • Localized or centralized storage which can incorporate several sites
  • Simple and rapid deployment which requires less than half a day to install at a standard site, reducing IT personnel-related costs
  • VoIP, TDM and screen recording on a single commercial off-the-shelf server to optimize investment in existing technology
  • State of the art, web based application whose small footprint reduces facility costs
  • Support many languages on the same system